

Ansible: A Comprehensive Introduction to Infrastructure as Code

Introduction to Ansible

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that provides a simple yet powerful framework for configuration management, application deployment, task automation, and orchestration. Developed by Michael DeHaan and now owned by Red Hat, Ansible has gained immense popularity in the DevOps community due to its simplicity, agentless architecture, and powerful capabilities.

As an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, Ansible allows you to describe your infrastructure using a declarative language, making it easier to version, share, and maintain your infrastructure configurations. Unlike some other IaC tools, Ansible uses SSH for communication, eliminating the need for additional agents on managed nodes.

Key features of Ansible include:

  • Agentless architecture
  • YAML-based playbooks
  • Extensive module library
  • Idempotent operations
  • Multi-tier orchestration


Key Concepts in Ansible

Before diving into code examples, let's familiarize ourselves with some key Ansible concepts:

  1. Control Node: The machine where Ansible is installed and from which Ansible runs playbooks and commands.
  2. Managed Nodes: The target machines (or hosts) that Ansible manages.
  3. Inventory: A file containing information about the managed nodes.
  4. Playbooks: YAML files describing a set of steps to be executed on managed nodes.
  5. Tasks: Individual units of work in a playbook.
  6. Modules: Programs that perform the actual work in Ansible, they are the building blocks of playbooks.
  7. Roles: Ways of organizing playbooks and other files to facilitate sharing and reuse.

Installing Ansible

Installing Ansible is straightforward. Here are the steps for different operating systems:


sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible


sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install ansible

macOS (using Homebrew):

brew install ansible

Ansible Playbooks

Playbooks are at the heart of Ansible. They are YAML files that describe a set of steps to be executed on managed nodes. Let's start with a simple example:

- name: Update web servers
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes

    - name: Ensure Apache is installed
        name: apache2
        state: present

    - name: Start Apache service
        name: apache2
        state: started
        enabled: yes

This playbook does the following:

  1. Targets all hosts in the 'webservers' group
  2. Uses sudo privileges (become: yes)
  3. Ensures Apache is installed
  4. Starts the Apache service and enables it to start on boot

To run this playbook:

ansible-playbook update_webservers.yml

Ansible Modules

Modules are the workhorses of Ansible. They are reusable, standalone scripts that Ansible pushes out to your nodes for execution. Here are examples of some commonly used modules:

File Module:

- name: Create a directory
    path: /opt/test
    state: directory
    mode: '0755'

- name: Copy a file
    src: /local/path/file.txt
    dest: /remote/path/file.txt

Package Module:

- name: Install multiple packages
      - nginx
      - postgresql
      - git
    state: present

Service Module:

- name: Restart nginx
    name: nginx
    state: restarted

User Module:

- name: Add a user
    name: johndoe
    groups: admin
    shell: /bin/bash

Variables and Facts

Ansible uses variables to manage differences between systems. You can define variables in various places:

In a playbook:

- hosts: webservers
    http_port: 80
    max_clients: 200
    - name: Ensure Apache is installed
        name: apache2
        state: present

In a separate variables file:

# vars/server_vars.yml
http_port: 80
max_clients: 200

Then in your playbook:

- hosts: webservers
    - vars/server_vars.yml

Using host and group variables:

In your inventory file or in separate files in host_vars/ and group_vars/ directories.

Facts are variables that are automatically discovered by Ansible from the managed nodes. You can use facts in your playbooks like this:

- name: Display OS
    msg: "The OS is {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}"

Ansible Roles

Roles provide a way to organize playbooks and other files to facilitate sharing and reuse. Here's a typical role structure:


Using a role in a playbook:

- hosts: webservers
    - webserver

Ansible Galaxy

Ansible Galaxy is a hub for finding, reusing, and sharing Ansible content. You can use it to jump-start your automation project with content that other users have created.

To install a role from Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install username.rolename

Advanced Ansible Features

Templates with Jinja2:

Ansible uses Jinja2 templating to enable dynamic expressions and access to variables. Here's an example:

- name: Configure Apache
    src: templates/httpd.conf.j2
    dest: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  notify: Restart Apache

And in your Jinja2 template file (templates/httpd.conf.j2):

ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
Listen {{ http_port }}

# Other Apache configuration...

MaxClients {{ max_clients }}


You can use conditionals to execute tasks based on certain conditions:

- name: Install Apache
    name: apache2
    state: present
  when: ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'Ubuntu'


Loops allow you to repeat a task multiple times:


- name: Add several users
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
    groups: "wheel"
     - testuser1
     - testuser2


Tags allow you to run or skip specific parts of a playbook:

  - name: Install Apache
      name: apache2
      state: present
      - webserver

You can then run only tasks tagged "webserver" with:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags "webserver"


Ansible Vault encrypts variables and files so you can protect sensitive content:

ansible-vault create secret.yml
ansible-vault edit secret.yml
ansible-vault decrypt secret.yml

Best Practices

  1. Use version control: Keep your Ansible playbooks and roles in a version control system like Git.
  2. Keep it simple: Write clear, simple playbooks. Use roles to organize complex playbooks.
  3. Use meaningful names: Give your plays, tasks, and variables descriptive names.
  4. Use modules instead of commands: Prefer Ansible modules over raw commands when possible.
  5. Use variables: Leverage variables to make your playbooks more flexible and reusable.
  6. Test your playbooks: Use tools like Molecule to test your Ansible roles.
  7. Use Ansible Lint: This tool can help you improve your Ansible code quality.
  8. Manage secrets securely: Use Ansible Vault to encrypt sensitive data.
  9. Use dynamic inventories: For cloud environments, use dynamic inventories to automatically update your host list.
  10. Idempotency: Ensure your playbooks are idempotent, meaning they can be run multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

Ansible is a powerful and flexible tool for automation and infrastructure as code. Its simplicity and agentless nature make it an excellent choice for organizations of all sizes. By leveraging Ansible's playbooks, modules, and roles, you can automate complex tasks, ensure consistency across your infrastructure, and significantly reduce the time and effort required for system administration and application deployment.

As you continue your Ansible journey, remember that the key to success lies in practice and continuous learning. Experiment with different modules, explore community roles on Ansible Galaxy, and don't hesitate to contribute back to the community with your own roles and playbooks.

Ansible's extensibility means that as your needs grow, you can extend its functionality through custom modules and plugins. Whether you're managing a handful of servers or orchestrating complex multi-tier applications, Ansible provides the tools you need to automate your infrastructure effectively.

By adopting Ansible and infrastructure as code practices, you're not just learning a tool – you're embracing a philosophy that can transform how you manage and think about your infrastructure. Happy automating!

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