

Handling GeoDjango PointField in Django Rest Framework: A Guide

Working with geospatial data in Django using GeoDjango can be tricky, especially when integrating it with Django Rest Framework (DRF). In this article, we'll explore how to properly handle GeoDjango's PointField and serialize it to work seamlessly with DRF and PostGIS.

The Problem

In a typical Django project using GeoDjango, you might have a PointField in your models to store geographic data (like coordinates). However, integrating this field with DRF may cause issues, especially when handling JSON input. For instance, the following setup led to a frustrating problem:

class User(AbstractBaseUser):
    location = models.PointField(geography=True, spatial_index=True, default=Point(0.0, 0.0, srid=4326))

When sending a POST request with location data, the field would either be ignored or default to the set Point(0.0, 0.0). Below is an example of JSON input that did not work:

    "location": "POINT(-120.18444970926208 50.65664762026928)"

Common Issues Faced

  1. Incorrect Data Format: One of the main issues was the format of the location field in the JSON request. GeoDjango expects a proper GeoJSON format, but this was often misunderstood.
  2. Invalid Serializer: In the beginning, the location field was commented out in the serializer, and no proper handling for the geospatial data was implemented.
  3. Default Value Override: Even when correct data was passed, the default value (Point(0.0, 0.0, srid=4326)) persisted in the database.

The Solution

After spending time debugging and researching, the following approach solved the issue:

1. Use GeoDjango’s PointField Properly

Make sure you are using GeoDjango’s PointField with the appropriate SRID (Spatial Reference System Identifier). In this case, we are using WGS 84 (SRID: 4326), which is standard for geographic coordinates.

from django.contrib.gis.db import models
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point

class User(AbstractBaseUser):
    location = models.PointField(geography=True, srid=4326, default=Point(0.0, 0.0, srid=4326))

Install and Use DRF GIS

DRF GIS is a package designed to integrate GeoDjango fields with DRF. To install it, run:

pip install djangorestframework-gis

Add rest_framework_gis to your INSTALLED_APPS in


Update the Serializer

To handle geospatial fields in DRF, use the GeoModelSerializer from the rest_framework_gis package. Here’s an example:

This ensures that the location field is treated as a GeoJSON field and allows DRF to serialize and deserialize it properly.

Use the Correct GeoJSON Format in Your API Requests

When making a POST request to your API, ensure the location field is formatted as GeoJSON. For a point, the structure should look like this:

    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-120.18444970926208, 50.65664762026928]

This is critical - GeoDjango requires the coordinates to be in an array, not a string.

Testing the Solution

Once you’ve applied the changes, you can use Postman or any HTTP client to send a request with the proper GeoJSON format:

    "email": "",
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [34.000, 21.000]

Check the database to confirm the location field is correctly populated:

SELECT ST_AsText(location) FROM user;

Working with geospatial data in Django can be complex, but using the right tools and following best practices makes it more manageable. DRF GIS is an excellent package for integrating GeoDjango’s fields with Django Rest Framework, allowing seamless handling of geospatial data in APIs. By ensuring your JSON input is in the correct GeoJSON format and using the proper serializer, you can easily overcome issues like the ones described.

If you’re still facing issues, be sure to check:

  • Your GeoJSON structure (it must be an array for coordinates).
  • Whether the correct SRID is set in your PointField.
  • That rest_framework_gis is installed and added to your INSTALLED_APPS.

With these steps in place, your GeoDjango fields should work perfectly with Django Rest Framework.

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